It won't let me select a folder under Data b/c that folder is already setup to sync to B2 (which obviously isn't working). Tried to setup Cloud Sync to sync my Dropbox to a folder on the NAS. Seems to work most of the time, but doesn't inspire confidence. Occasionally when I wake the iMac there will be a TM error that it couldn't connect to the remote location. I use Time Machine to back up the iMac to the NAS. I have Chronosync and try to setup a task to mirror the library to a folder on the NAS, that fails with some error about being unable to delete the file on the remote side.

So I had to move that back to the local disk. Photos doesn't work right if your library is hosted on a NAS. I have a ticket open with Synology, and they tried several things over the past few weeks, but it still doesn't work reliably. Backblaze says this is a known issue with Synology. It works for a few days then fails saying my key has expired or been revoked. I'm trying to use Cloud Sync to backup the NAS to B2. If I have an Excel spreadsheet on the NAS open, reboot and say restore open apps, the Excel fails on reboot b/c the volume isn't mounted yet.

I want it to happen at boot (the equivalent of /etc/fstab in Linux). How do I make that permanent? No I don't want to do it via the login items for my user account. I've got all my data (well most, more on that later) on the Synology. I keep running into one problem after another. I'm trying to move all my data to the NAS and use Backblaze B2 to backup the NAS. I have an iMac and now a Synology DS218+. Not sure why this is so hard, but maybe someone here can help.